Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How Can I Get My Ex-Girlfriend To Come Back To Me?

Ex-Lady, film posterImage via WikipediaDo you find yourself asking this question? How can I get my ex-girlfriend to come back to me? Remember, it could be worse as you find yourself in this situation. It doesn't matter what happened between you and your girl, if you're willing to work at it you can get her to come back to you and the two of you can have a better relationship the second time around because you learn from your mistakes.

Consider these two steps:

These steps aren't difficult to do and yes, they do work. There are thousands of people who have used these steps to get their ex-lady friend back. Please understand that you will have to spend some time and effort because this process doesn't produce results overnight. It just won't happen unless you're willing to work for a successful relationship.

If you're looking for a quick fix, sorry, this isn't it. But, if you're looking for as close to a guarantee as you'll ever get in matters of the heart, than keep reading...

Step one is to step off. Give your girl a little space. If you keep texting or calling her than all you're going to do is let her know you will be a back up plan if she doesn't meet anyone else, you really don't want your ex to think of you that way, do you?

Step two is to man up. True, I don't know you or what you're like but we all have our issues and I'm sure you have yours. Those issues probably contributed to the relationship falling apart in the first place. It's time you own up to them and take some time to change them. If you are able to do this you'll be light years ahead of where you were before.

Once you've made much needed changes to the way you act, it's time to call your ex. Don't try to talk her into taking you back, just be friendly and casual and ask her if she'd like to get together just to catch up. Once the two of you are together, show her the changes you've made. Don't talk about it let her see for herself. When an encounter with her goes well, give her a few days before you call her again. See if she'd like to go out. Remember, at this point the two of you are starting all over again, so be willing to take it slow and let her see that the changes you've made are real.

Just because your girlfriend isn't as affectionate as she was in the past doesn't necessarily mean that she doesn't love you anymore. All living things need nourishment to thrive, including relationships.

This advice is simple but very effective as long as you are willing to put in some time and effort. In order for it to work you also have to be willing to face some things about the person you are and be willing to make some changes. If you can do these things you will find that you have answered the question, “How can I get my ex-girlfriend to come back to me?” Bring back the love, that's how.
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Saturday, February 20, 2010

How to Preserve the Love of Your Woman

love of a womanImage by Alice♩ via FlickrSo many guys find just the right woman, only to see her go away. Inevitably, they regret it for a long time afterwards. Nobody wants that to happen and that doesn't have to happen to you! Today we’ll talk about one of the toughest but most rewarding steps towards keeping the love of a woman.

It’s hard to admit when you’re wrong, really hard for some guys. If you're one of those guys then listen up. It takes time to implement changes. Have I told you about my neighbor who’s trying to get her husband to stop drinking. Believe me, it took a long time before Tom admitted he had a drinking problem. Finally he admitted he had a problem, that was the most important step in causing him to change.

But wait, there's more. The good word is admitting you’re wrong can be rewarding. I’ll give you an example. One of the things I always prided myself on was that I wasn’t self centered. I considered myself a pretty selfless person who was willing to surrender my needs for the sake of other people. I always thought I was the kind of person who gave more than he received. In short, I considered myself... selfless, not selfish.

Then one day my wife called me out on it. She called me selfish. As a person who had always believed that I was caring and selfless, I took immediate offense to this. "What the hell." I yelled, "you can’t call me selfish!" She was ruining the positive picture of myself. I wasn't about to let that happen!

Yes indeed, she did it. She called me self centered, why? Well, my mate usually comes home from work before I do. When I came home, I headed straight for the fridge because I was thirsty. Before giving her a hug and sounding delighted to see her I'd head for the refrigerator and leave her hanging. On top of that, I would usually go straight for the wood shop after I got my tall glass of sweet tea. Doing this once in a while would have been okay but it became a routine, my woman became angry with me.

Females need love, they want to know that they count. This perfectly selfless man (me), wasn’t tending to my wife’s wants. I was only thinking about myself, about my sweet tea and working in the wood shop. So, she called me out on it.

Of course I didn’t react well to this deliberate disrespect. Trying not to lose control over my actions, I continued my routine. Can you imagine how that affected our relationship? Have you ever got that look from someone? You know, if looks could kill kind of look or you're an idiot sort of look that sometimes comes from your boss.

A few days of that look made me take a good look at myself from her perspective. I realized the error of my way and apologized, which is always a required first step toward making up. Now I give my mate an embrace and a smooch when I arrive home. She'll pour a tall glass of sweet tea for me as we talk about each others day. She has no problem with me disappearing into the shop afterwards. I had attended to her wants. So now she allows me to merrily tend to mine afterwards. It was a big reward for a small change that put our relationship ahead of my own petty desires.

Change like that only happens when you’re true with yourself. If I didn’t admit that I was being selfish to both her and myself, there was no way the relationship was going to improve. The marriage still would have continued but to a lesser degree of bliss.

Accepting the fact of being wrong is also helpful when you look back at past relationships. Why did it end? What could you have done to made your relationship better? Would it have worked out if you had reacted differently in a certain situation? As long as you’re willing to learn from your mistakes, you’ll never fail.

If you'd like to find out more about finding and entering relationships with women, then you'll definitely want to know about How to keep her loving you

PS. Have you heard about the 5 myths that prevent guys from becoming great lovers?

Michael J.

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Friday, January 29, 2010

7 Ways To Arouse Your Girlfriend’s Love For You

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loveImage via WikipediaYou might be disappointed that your relationship doesn’t have the charm and romanticism that it once had. Frightened that this may affect or eventually end your relationship? You want to arouse your girlfriend's love for you but aren't sure how.

You’re not alone. Having the same partner for a long period of time can cause you to take one another for granted. As a result, the relationship may become stale and lose the spark that made it so special in the first place. Here are some simple, fun and creative ideas to ignite that charm and bring her love back:

1. Send her a surprise gift at work. Get a piece of paper and some crayons. Draw a bright childlike picture with a smiley sun and two stick figures holding hands. Add labels with your two names pointing to the stick figures. Write "I Love You" inside a heart.

Next get a large formal envelope. Place your drawing inside and type up a formal address label of your partner's workplace, such as: “For the immediate and urgent attention of: Your girlfriend's name, Suite 20, Collins & Herman LLC, NY.” Mail it to your partner so they receive it in the middle of a busy day.

2. Have fun with water. On a hot summer’s day, buy two large water pistols and take them with you. Pull them out and throw one to your girlfriend and then have a huge water fight.

3. Bring back childhood memories. Contact your partner's family and ask if there was anything she always wanted when she was a little girl. For example, if she always wanted a porcelain doll, buy one for her birthday. She will not only appreciate the gift, but also the fact that you were thoughtful enough to find out what she always wanted.

4. Become kids again. If you are walking by a park, visit the swings and give her a ride. This might bring back happy memories from childhood.

5. Organize a backyard picnic on a warm summer’s night. Spread a picnic blanket on the ground and get together some snacks, chocolates and champagne. Lie down on the blanket with your partner and gaze up at the stars together.

6. Show feeling for your partner. Leave a long-stem rose where your partner will find it, with a note on it saying: "Thank you for coming into my life."

Follow these steps in progression, if your girlfriend hasn't been aroused yet, this should do it. I've known of some instances where women became aroused at each and every step listed here. By now you both should be ready for the next step.

7. Spice up your lovemaking (if the opportunity presents itself). Probably the most profound way to rekindle the romance in your relationship is some frisky foreplay.

arouse her love/image.jpg Surprise your partner with a little gift after you make love. Give your partner a sensual massage before or after, or just spend some time staring into each others eyes and caressing their bare skin.

Many people underestimate the power these little things have on a relationship. If times are rough in your relationship don’t wait for your girlfriend to do something, you take action. Make the first step towards mending your relationship. It’s all about passion. You need to show your love for her.

Talk about passion, you should visit... "How to keep the love of a woman" 

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