Thursday, July 26, 2012

How to Keep Your Girlfriend Attracted to You

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how to keep your girlfriendAuthor: Bagande (Photo credit: Wikipedia) How are you going to keep your girlfriend attracted to you once the initial attraction starts going to pieces?

The truth of the matter is that a balanced life consists of dating and relationships. I know for a fact that a lot of you guys are interested in much more than just how to create attraction. You want to keep it!

And granted, you definitely can't proceed to any level of success until you've got an idea of how to create that all-important sensation known as attraction with your girlfriend... but the flip side of this is that there's really no point in creating it in the first place unless you know what to do with it once you've got it.  Makes sense, right?

So once you've got it: How do you make that spark of attraction grow into the heat of passion?

The thing is, the fundamentals for creating attraction in the first place are different from the rules of thumb for maintaining her interest. The stuff you did to get something cooking with a woman must continue once you're actually in a relationship with her. It doesn't matter what the basis of your relationship is, whether you're casually dating each other or involved in an exclusive relationship. Once you've got something going, you've gotta take steps to make sure that things remain as good as they were in the beginning.

If that special lady seems to have lost her love for you, there are tiny little text messages you can use to get her back into your life and renew the romance. Check out this video, it's a good illustration of how a simple text message can bring her desire for you back... Bring Her Back With Text Messages

Now the real question is: How do you keep her desire for you?

First, here is an all-essential preventative measure. For heavens sake, don't pretend to be someone you're not, be sincere. This is where the question of honesty comes into play. As far as advice goes, this one sounds about as revolutionary as being told to eat your fruit and vegetables ... but you know what?

If you don't eat your veggies, you'll most likely experience an untimely death, at the premature end of a short and unhealthy life. Just bear with me for a second ... think of this like an analogy of what a relationship with a woman will be like if you aren't honest with her: short, unhealthy, riddled with disease, and ultimately dead before its time. Not to mention pretty damn uncomfortable to live through.

Here's why, relationships can't live without the attraction factor. Attraction is basically the lifeblood of any romantic relationship. Without it, things are just gonna shrivel up and blow away in the drought of "no sex".

Know what? If you act like the most attractive man in the world, even if you take on the role of the dude who's better than her wildest dreams, it's not sustainable. Sooner or later the "real you" is going to shine through and then what do you think is going to happen? Pffffft .... she's gone.

The kind of men that women stay attracted to aren't afraid to deal openly and honestly with challenges ... like actually saying something when they're annoyed or not happy with the way things are going. Please, no screaming or yelling.

  • Be honest about how you feel about the relationship.  
  • If she's irritating you, call her out on it. 
  • If she's acting out, let her know about it. 
  • If she's done something that's offended you or that's given you pause or that you wish she wouldn't do again, tell her about it.

If the nail is in the coffin of your relationship, you do have a good possibility to turn it around. Try using the innovative and life-changing text methods outlined in Michael Fiore's text your girlfriend back into your life video.

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